Gas Grills
Gas Works, Inc. Sells, Services and Installs gas grills of most makes and models. Maintenance is a key element in keeping your gas grill operating properly and efficiently for years to come. Don’t spoil your next meal, have your gas grill checked today. Improper burn can result in uneven heat distribution and could spoil the taste of your fine meats. We suggest having your Gas Grill inspected & serviced annually.
The Selection of gas grills available today is overwhelming. Assure yourself that you are getting a quality product, one that will be installed by a qualified professional that is trained and accredited to handle your gas appliance.

Gas Works, Inc. offers three Major Brands of Gas Grills:


MHP – Modern Home Products

Fire Magic
With over 80 years of proven quality, these grills are truly made to cook very well and last for years to come!